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Glossary of Terms

Learn the key terms we use in our software

Elaine Bondoc avatar
Written by Elaine Bondoc
Updated over 7 months ago

A - C


An accordion is a type of menu that displays a list of headers stacked on top of one another. When clicked, these headers will either reveal or hide associated content.

Account Administrator

An Account Administrator is someone who has been granted authority to set up, amend, or otherwise control the settings or details of an account. This is usually done in an Administrator Portal.

They have the highest level of access and can also create, delete, manage, and amend other user accounts/roles.

More information regarding the Account Administrator role in Zoomforth can be found here.


Alt text (alternative text) is a text that appears in place of an image on a webpage if the image fails to load on a user's screen. This text also helps screen-reading tools describe images to visually impaired readers and allows search engines to better crawl and rank your website.

Screen-reader technology will announce the alt text that it sees and, in most cases, visual elements will not need to be described to them.

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) were introduced in 1999 and outline the goals for developing websites for visitors who have certain disabilities. These guidelines state that authors should "provide equivalent alternatives to auditory and visual content."

One important thing to remember is that not all images require alt text. Images or icons that do not have any relation to the site and are purely visual in nature should keep their alt text empty. Refer to this article for some of the best practices in writing good alt text.

Alt text allows a user with a screen-reader or other assistive technology to understand the purpose of the image without seeing it. In other words, it helps ensure your visual content is accessible to all users, including those with visual impairments.

With Zoomforth, alt text can be added from the Media Library and the site editor.

Anchor links

An anchor link is a navigation tool. It’s a link in the menu bar of your page that will take a viewer to a specific tile, or content, on your grid page. This link allows viewers to zoom to specific points on a longer page or even in different grid sections. The purpose of an anchor link is to highlight an important piece of content within your page and help viewers navigate to it quickly.

Learn more in this article.


An author is a person who begins, creates, or originates something. It can be an article, a book, an essay, a novel, a poem, or any other literary work. In computer language, an author is a person who writes a software program, and here at Zoomforth, authors have limited access to edit and manage a site. For more information regarding different user roles in Zoomforth, click here.


Are a collection of data information from a website that is stored in a hidden folder to make the browsing process faster. On-page elements like images, videos, and even text take some time to load. Caches help to improve browsing performance.

There will be times that we need to clear these caches to help troubleshoot, to increase the loading time of web pages, and to increase the performance of your computer. Here is a sample article on clearing a cache.


A carousel refers to a rotating or sliding display of various multimedia types within a confined space on a webpage. It is a popular component used to showcase multiple types of visual content in an interactive and engaging manner.

The carousel typically consists of a series of multimedia panels or slides that are displayed one at a time. The slides can be set to automatically transition or use of navigation controls, such as arrows or indicators, allow users to manually scroll through the content.

Carousels are often placed prominently on the homepage or key landing pages of a website. They are commonly used in portfolios, product showcases, testimonials, news highlights, or any situation where there is a need to highlight multiple items or messages within limited screen real estate.

Also see slideshow.


The Zoomforth clipboard is a temporary storage facility, used for moving or copying site elements, like tiles, sections, and subpages, within the same, or across different, sites.

Zoomforth Clipboard stores tiles, sections, and subpages, separately. A notification on the upper right pops up whenever an item is successfully placed in the Clipboard, or when a copied item is already in the Clipboard. Depending on the site element, this article gives a brief walk-through on how to access the Clipboard.

The Clipboard stores up to 20 items, which are listed so the most recently copied item is at the top. Those at the bottom end of the Clipboard are automatically taken out when the list is full and new items are added.


CNAME stands for Canonical Name. A CNAME record is a type of DNS record that’s used to forward or point a particular website (domain name) to another website (domain name), instead of using IP addresses.

For example, let’s say you want to make sure that your website is, but you’ve also registered and want it to go to your main website.

In that case, you can set up a CNAME record so that anyone who visits would go to instead.


Compatibility, as it relates to Zoomforth, is a term used to describe the relationship between a site's HTML version and a theme's stylesheet version. Over time, Zoomforth has introduced different upgrades for both themes and sites. Some upgrades have been issued in tandem, however, most upgrades have been separate from one another and targeted only a small enhancement.

Upgrades always have the potential to cause unexpected consequences so we developed a system of compatibility that informs users when they may expect those consequences to happen.

When changing your theme in the site editor, you will see a message indicating if the theme is compatible with the site you're working on. You also have the option to show compatible themes by clicking the checkbox.

Both of these tools will assure you that the theme and the site should work together without any major issues.


A cookie is a term that refers to the web message that web servers exchange with web browsers to identify a website and web user login information for customized web page access.

The main purpose of a cookie is to identify users and possibly prepare customized web pages or to save site login information for you.

As explained by

When you enter a website using cookies, you may be asked to fill out a form providing personal information; like your name and email address. This information is packaged into a cookie and sent to your web browser, which then stores the information for later use. The next time you go to the same website, your browser will send the cookie to the webserver. The message is sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server.

A web server has no memory so the hosted website you are visiting transfers a cookie file of the browser on your computer’s hard disk so that the site can remember who you are and your preferences. This message exchange allows the webserver to use this information to present you with customized web pages. So, for example, instead of seeing just a generic welcome page you might see a welcome page with your name on it.


Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a feature of HTML (the standard computer language so documents can be correctly displayed by a web browser) which applies style definitions to control how the elements of a web page look!

These style definitions are written in a file, called style sheet. Multiple style sheets can be applied to the same web page, hence the term cascading in CSS.

In web development, HTML tags are used to structure a website or arrange the elements in it, while CSS is used to define what the elements will look like. Together, they allow you to design and build basic web pages. CSS allows you to achieve animations such as hover, zoom, or parallax. You can also visit our CSS wiki site for more of them in action!

Zoomforth handles the difficult parts of the designs for you, so you mostly do not have to worry about these finer details unless you're interested in theme development or animations for your sites. If you have experience with CSS or want to learn more, though, you can check related articles like the ones about adding your custom CSS to the elements of a Zoomforth site, and using CSS classes.

CTA (Call-to-action)

Call-to-action buttons you use in your website and on your landing pages to guide site visitors. It's the part of the landing page that the visitor needs to click in order to take the action you want them to take.

You may read this article on how to create a mail to action on a hyperlink.

D - F

Daily visitor count

In analytics, a daily visitor counts new visitor loading your site per day. If a visitor loads your site multiple times in one day, it is only counted once for the day. If they returned on another day, even multiple times, then the visit is logged once for that day.

For example, someone may open your company's site from a link that was sent to them. That person might save the link in their bookmarks. In this scenario the count of "visit" and "visitor" is increased by one since it was their first time seeing this site. If that same day they click their bookmark and return to the site then only the "visit" count is increased by one.


DNS is an acronym that stands for Domain Name System. DNS is the protocol that provides the framework for web browsing. In other words, DNS is a system of computers that provides the infrastructure that allows us to browse the Internet by making the Internet a more human-friendly place.

Computers communicate with each other using numbers called IP addresses. However, remembering IP addresses is not an easy task for humans, who prefer to give things named. DNS is a useful system that ties names to IP addresses. DNS automatically converts the names we type in our web browser address bar to the IP addresses of web servers those specific sites requested.

Therefore, when you enter a website in your browser (e.g. your computer will find your nearest DNS server and ask it what the correct IP address is for that name. Then, the DNS will return the IP address and your computer can then address the relevant machine and display the requested website.


A domain is the part of the website address after https:// and before the first "slash" (/). In the web site address , the domain is .

A domain might also include a subdomain like or . We would then say that and are both subdomains of .


Embed refers to the visual and interactive elements that are integrated or embedded within a site to enhance the content and provide additional context or functionality.

These embedded elements can take various forms, such as:

  1. Media Embeds: This includes embedding images, videos, GIFs, audio clips, and other multimedia content directly into a site. When you share a link to a YouTube video, for example, the platform might automatically display a preview of the video player and allow users to watch it without leaving the current page.

  2. Social Media Embeds: Embedding social media posts, such as tweets from Twitter, posts from Instagram, or videos from TikTok, within another platform. This allows users to interact with and view social media content without leaving your site.

  3. Rich Content Embeds: Embedding content like interactive maps, data visualizations, polls, quizzes, and more to provide engaging and dynamic experiences within a post or webpage.

  4. Document Embeds: Embedding documents like PDFs, spreadsheets, or presentations directly into your site, makes it possible for users to view or download the content without having to navigate away.

  5. External Links and Previews: Some platforms automatically generate previews of external links, showing a snippet of the linked content, a featured image, and a brief description. This helps users decide whether they want to click on the link to view the full content.

Overall, "embeds" are a way to enhance the communication experience by bringing external content and interactive features directly into a digital context, reducing the need for users to switch between different sites or apps to access relevant information.


Embedding refers to attaching or placing a multimedia object inside of a specific part of a webpage or application as a hidden plug-in component, which distinctly changes the look or function of only the embedded part so that the rest of the page or file keeps the original format or function.


Engagements in analytics is an aggregation of the number of views, clicks, plays, and downloads. You can use the score to understand how much a piece of content was interacted with.

Site and Link Details


A favicon, also known as URL icon, shortcut icon, tab icon, website icon, tab icon, or bookmark icon is a small icon associated with a website or webpage which usually appears before the site name in a browser tab, or before the website or webpage address in the browser address bar.

Most browsers today support the use and display of favicon to optimize branding.  The favicon for a site created with Zoomforth follows the favicon associated with the domain, or subdomain, of the site. So if your account has not been set up with your company's domain or subdomain, then the published and unpublished views of the site will display Zoomforth's favicon. Otherwise, if your account is using your company's domain or subdomain, the published view of the site will display the company or brand's favicon, while the unpublished view, or preview, of the site, will display Zoomforth's favicon.

If you wish to see a different site favicon, apart from the one associated with the domain or subdomain set up with your account, this other article gives the steps on how to change the favicon.


The website footer is a section found at the bottom of a web page where you can usually find general information that helps improve the accessibility and usefulness of the website. You can create a link for information such as:

  1. Copyright notice

  2. Privacy policy link

  3. Sitemap

  4. Logo

  5. Contact information

  6. Social media icons

  7. Email sign-up form

All this can be set as footers so that web visitors no longer have to leave the site to look for the above-cited information.

Learn more in this article.


A form is a web template where a user is allowed to enter and submit data that is sent to a web server or owner of the form for processing.

More information regarding Zoomforth Forms can be found here.

G - I

Grid or Grid Section

A grid is a term used in webpage design that combines different visual elements like texts, photos, and videos into a single page layout adapted for multimedia printout. The "Grid" is the most powerful type of section you can use in Zoomforth. It primarily consists of tiles, which can represent a variety of different media. A grid section is a rectangular section in a web page where media files are organized as line-based tiles fitted in defined grid areas.

Learn more in this article


HTML, which stands for Hypertext Markup Language, is the standard computer language so documents such as videos, images, sound, texts and links can be correctly displayed by a web browser.

Along with other technologies, such as CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and JavaScript, Zoomforth uses HTML to produce the sites designed in the platform.

HTML also uses meta data or meta tag, which are information that describe another data, or information. For websites, a meta data may refer to the author, or the creator, of the site, or keywords, which are terms that best describe what the website is about. These data may not displayed on the websites, but they provide instructions for web browsers on how to display the content, or for search engines on how it can read the site.

Zoomforth allows description meta data to be added for the websites, as described in this article.

Moreover, there are couple of interfaces within the platform that allow HTML to be added / edited in building or designing parts of the website, such as site footer, which are information shown at the bottom of the web pages, text baseline editing, and using hypertext on asset captions.


A hyperlink is a word, phrase, or image that you can click on to jump to a new document, or a new section within the current document. Hyperlinks are found in nearly all Web pages, allowing users to click their way from page to page. Text hyperlinks are often blue and underlined, but don't have to be. When you move the cursor over a hyperlink, whether it is text or an image, the arrow should change to a small hand pointing at the link. When you click it, a new page or place in the current page will open.

Clicking the hyperlink at the source will navigate to the target. Hyperlinks can assume a
​text, image, URL, or controls (for example, a button).

You can learn more about how to create and edit hyperlinks from Zoomforth in this article


Hypertexts, which are commonly seen on Text Tiles are Texts that links you to other part of the site or to another site which can be activated by a click, keypress set or by touching the screen. It can also open images, PDFs or play videos when activated. These texts are usually in Bold, different color and/or underlined for easier spotting. They usually change colors after being activated.


iFrame is short for Inline Frame. it’s a powerful element in web design. You have probably seen countless YouTube videos on websites other than YouTube. An iFrame can insert all sort of media. And so you may be wondering how it was done. Chances are the web designer put an iFrame element within that page.

An iFrame is a frame within a frame. It is a component of an HTML element that allows you to embed documents, videos, and interactive media within a page. By doing this, you can display a secondary webpage on your main page. The iFrame element allows you to include a piece of content from other sources. It can integrate the content anywhere within your page, without having to include them in your web layout’s structure, like a traditional element.

In-site search

An in-site search refers to using the internal search bar found on the top right of the website to retrieve specific results.

J - L


Links are web addresses that work as a shortcut that direct a visitor to a webpage, a document, or other online content. Once a site is published, you can create links to it. As part of creating a link, you choose a URL. When you share that URL, it will link to the page.

A site is not limited to having just one link. A single Zoomforth site can have multiple links, which means that two different URLs would display the same page.

Learn more about creating additional links here, and here.

Learn more about link visits here.

M - O


Margin is the space outside an element's borders. It's the gap between an element and its neighboring elements. Margins create separation between elements, contributing to the overall spacing and layout of a page. You can control the margins on each side of an element: top, right, bottom, and left. Negative margins are also possible and can be used to overlap elements, though they should be used with caution as they can lead to unexpected layout issues.

Media Library

The term Media Library refers to a place to store image files, PDF documents, presentations, videos, and HTML packages in your account. You can access the media library on the left pane of the dashboard.

More information on the media library can be found here.

MFA (Multi-factor authentication)

Multi-factor authentication is an electronic authentication method in which a user is granted access to a website only after successfully presenting two or more pieces of evidence (or factors) to an authentication mechanism: in this case, your email and mobile device (via SMS or an authenticator app). It protects you from an unknown person trying to access your site.

If enabled in your account, you can set your sites to use MFA in the visitor access settings.


Notifications are messages or reminders from a website sent to the recipient's email.

In Zoomforth, these are:

  • Site Access Requests

  • Publish Approval Requests

  • Link Visits

  • Prompt Responses

  • Form Responses

Learn more in this article.

P - R


Padding is used to create space around an element's content, inside of any defined borders. It also refers to the CSS property which is the space around an element's content, inside of any defined borders. With CSS, you have full control over the padding and you can change each side of the element (top, right, bottom, and left). Padding can be found and adjusted in tiles, sections, navigation bar, and other elements in your site.


The term Parallax is used to describe the way an object’s position or direction seems to change depending on the viewing angle. On the other hand, Parallax scrolling is when the website layout sees the background of the web page moving at a slower speed to the foreground, creating a 3D effect as you scroll. This can provide a nice, subtle element of depth that results in a distinctive and memorable scrolling experience.

On this article, it will teach you how to create a parallax effect through the CSS classes. More information about using CSS classes can be found in this article.


A prompt is a message that may be a question, or instruction that allows the user to respond accordingly.

Learn more in this article.


A referrer is the last web address accessed by a browser prior to loading a particular web page. It is also known as a "referrer URL" or "HTTP referrer". This information is used to identify sources of traffic and is provided by browsers when a user clicks on a link or enters a URL into their browser's address bar.

Referrers are important because they help website owners and marketers understand how users are finding their websites. By tracking referrers, website owners can determine which sources are driving the most traffic to their site. This information can be used to make informed decisions about marketing strategies and website optimization.

You can view your Top Referrers under the Referrals in the Analytics tab of your Site's Summary dashboard.

S - U


Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is an industry-standard, XML-based, open data format for exchanging authentication and authorization data between parties.

Enterprise customers may integrate their Zoomforth account with SAML. SAML allows employees to access private sites that were shared with the company network and can be used to grant Zoomforth users Single Sign-On.

If enabled in your account, your site can be set to Single Sign-On (SAML) in the visitor access settings.


Sections are rows of a website consisting of the header, main body, and footer. Each subpage within your Zoomforth site is made up of what we call Sections. Sections are extremely flexible content layouts that enable you to add or copy images, videos, and more.

Learn more in this article.

Single sign-on (SSO)

Single sign-on (SSO) is an authentication scheme that allows a user to log in with a single ID and password to any of several related, yet independent, software systems.

With SSO enabled, you can log in to your Zoomforth account using your company log in details.


This is what you create with Zoomforth. Some people might call them "websites" or "microsites" or "landing pages" or "content hubs". In the Zoomforth platform, we call it a "Site".

Learn more in this article.

Site Details

The Site Details menu lets you access all of your site management options; this includes the following:

  1. Summary tab

  2. Links tab

  3. Team permissions tab

  4. Visitor access tab

  5. Analytics tab

  6. Notifications tab

  7. More tab

Learn more in this article.

Site HTML version

Every site on the internet is created with HTML code. This code defines the structure of a site that can then be accessed by CSS code to enhance the visual appearance of the site.

The Zoomforth Site Editor allows you to avoid writing HTML and focus on your content. Unfortunately, there are times when the HTML itself needs to change in order to adapt to new features or new web standards. Changing the HTML may mean that the site you developed will be changed in the way it looks and feels.

Zoomforth avoids this by releasing upgrades that can be opted into on a site-by-site basis. This process is known as upgrading your site's HTML version. When you upgrade your site, you may find that you would prefer to stick with the previous version. If that happens, you can simply click revert changes at the top of the site editor to undo the upgrade.

If you choose not to upgrade your site HTML version, then everything will continue to work as it always had.

Sites and Templates

This is what you create with Zoomforth. Some people might call them "websites" or "microsites" or "landing pages" or "content hubs". In the Zoomforth platform, we call it a "Site", while a template is used to create numerous Sites.


A collection of electronic images (as on a website) presented to be viewed one after another.

Also see carousel.


A slug is part of a URL that identifies a particular page on a website in an easy-to-read form. In other words, it’s the part of the URL that explains the page’s content. For example, the URL is, and the slug simply is ‘about’.

Writing a good slug for your page or post can positively affect your visibility on the internet. Beyond that, the slug is also your tool to draw a target audience that will easily recognize page content even before entering the website.

This article will show you how a Slug is being used to customize your subpage URL.

Starter Site

When working with the Zoomforth Design team during your account's onboarding, we will help you build a Starter Site. This is the first site you'll create in Zoomforth, and it will help inform how you build additional Sites.

Stylesheet version

A stylesheet defines how a website looks when viewed in a web browser. In Zoomforth, every theme you create generates a unique stylesheet that includes the base styles defined in the platform, the variables you set in the theme editor, and the custom CSS you define.

Zoomforth will periodically release upgrades to the base stylesheet that allow you to opt into new functionality. Each upgrade is considered a new stylesheet version. In the past this has included:

  • Uniform text sizing and spacing

  • New theme variables

  • Styling changes to accommodate accessibility considerations

Upgrades to a stylesheet can oftentimes include changes that make the sites using your theme look different. If that happens you can simply click revert changes at the top of the theme editor to undo the upgrade.

If you choose not to upgrade your theme's stylesheet everything will continue to work as it always had.

Style Guide

When working with the Zoomforth Design team, in order for you to see and provide feedback on the Theme, we also create a special Zoomforth site called a Style Guide. The Style Guide is a visual representation of all of the CSS rules that have been defined in your Theme. It shows how various elements look when created in Zoomforth. It also introduces a set of helpful layouts and components.

Style Presets

Style preset allows you to change select aesthetics for tiles and text sections, such as font style, line height, list designs (ordered, unordered lists), border, background color, etc. Setting a style preset for a tile or text section makes it easier to isolate or dedicate specific design changes as well, through custom CSS.

Different design elements of a tile and text section can be customized as you create a new style preset, or even if you just edit an existing one in the theme, such as font transparency, margin, heading style line height, and so much more! 

Just be careful with editing an existing style preset, as the changes will be applied to all the tiles or text sections using the style preset, and to all the sites using the theme where that named style preset reside.

Learn more in this article.


A stylesheet is like a "template designer" or a "sheet" that you can work on to create the "style" you want to present. Where the result is always the visual output on the screen, the "style sheet" captures the different formats used to fill the space of a blank page. This covers styles for fonts, margins, character alignments, and such. To compare, the Style sheets' language for desktop publishing is "data processing" and "code programming" for web development.

In Zoomforth you can access the stylesheet when customizing themes and or a style preset. You may read more about Zoomfoth's Stylesheet in this article.


A subdomain is a domain that is a part of another (main) domain. A domain at times include a subdomain like or . We would then say that and are both subdomains of .

The "dot" (.) is the only character that separates domain and subdomain parts. For example, is one domain. It does not have a subdomain because there are no "dots" (.) in it.


A submenu is an area under the navigation menu and this is where the anchor links are located. You can customize the submenu such as changing the background color, font size, or spacing.

Subpage (or Page)

We use "Subpage" and "Page" interchangeably. A Site can have multiple Subpages within it. Subpages are additional pages within your Zoomforth site where you can house additional content, beyond the homepage.

Learn more in this article.


A template is used to create numerous Sites.

Learn more in this article.


In Zoomforth, a Theme contains rules that affect the way your Sites look - for example, a Theme determines the fonts and colors your sites can display, and the way certain elements are spaced. It also determines the specific visual options (called Style Presets) that non-designers can choose from when building a Site in Zoomforth.

Learn more in this article.


Most of the questions we are getting from the users have to do with tiles! To help us better position a tile, let me compare it, really quick, with the rest of the elements in your Zoomforth site.

A Zoomforth site may have one or more pages, or sub pages. Each sub page, may have one or more sections like grid, PDF, HTML package, custom embed, accordion, etc. Yes, you got it right: a grid section may have one or more tile in it!

As you may already know, a tile acts like a repository, or container, of data, information, document, or collection of files! Depending on the type of, or action associated with, the tile, you maybe able to see the data or document right within the tile, or just a miniaturized preview of it, or you may need to click the tile to see the content of the file.

While different actions can be associated with the tile, depending on the type of tile being used, like in - line playback for video tiles, pop - up file viewer for presentation and PDF tiles, or expanded file viewer for image tile, most of the tiles can be linked to an element within, or outside your Zoomforth site.

Customizations for the tiles can be done via style presets, CSS classes and theme and site level custom CSS.


Traffic, also known as Web traffic, is the amount of data sent and received by visitors to a website. This result is determined by the number of visitors and the number of pages they visit. Sites monitor the incoming and outgoing traffic to see which parts or pages of their site are popular and if there are any apparent trends, such as one specific page being viewed mostly by people in a particular country.

There are many ways to monitor this traffic, and the gathered data is used to help structure sites.


Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable, and appealing when displayed. The arrangement of type involves selecting type-faces, point sizes, line lengths, line-spacing (leading), and letter-spacing (tracking), and adjusting the space between pairs of letters. The term typography is also applied to the style, arrangement, and appearance of the letters, numbers, and symbols created by the process.

You may visit this article to show you more information on how you can format things such as indentation, heading style, bullets, hyperlinking including typography.

V - Z


In analytics, a visit is recorded any time one of your sites has been loaded by a browser.


In analytics, a visitor refers to any time a unique browser visited your sites. Even if the "visitor" loads your site multiple times during the selected timeframe, it is only counted once in the analytics.

The information that determines if a visitor has visited before is tracked in a cookie on the visitor's browser. If the person switches devices, switches browsers, clears their cookies, or their cookies expire, they will be considered a new visitor on their next site load. The cookies automatically expire 11 days after the last site visit.

Visitor access

Visitor access settings control which people can visit your sites. Each site has individual settings, but you can control some account-wide default settings.

There are 5 types of Visitor Access in Zoomforth sites:

  1. Public - Anyone with the link can access

  2. Password - Only visitors who enter a password can access

  3. Approved Emails - Only visitors with approved email addresses can access

  4. Multi-Factor Authentication - Visitors with approved email addresses must enter a code from a separate device

  5. Single Sign-On (SAML) - Visitors must use a Single Sign-On (SAML) portal

Click here to learn more. ​

Web preview

A web preview refers to a visual representation or thumbnail image displayed when sharing a link on various online platforms, such as social media, messaging apps, or search engine results. It provides a preview of the webpage's content and serves as a clickable element that users can interact with to access the full page.

The web preview typically includes elements like a title, description, and an image associated with the webpage. These elements are often extracted from the webpage's metadata.

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