A subpage slug is the final part of the website address that is unique for the subpage. In the sample website address below,
is the subpage slug which can be customized
Since the website address only supports some letters, numbers and symbols, we automatically format the text you enter into a valid website address. For example, the text name & id! is converted to name-and-id in the subpage slug. Some characters like "!" are NOT valid for a website address and they are removed.
You will need to publish the site for slug changes to take effect.
How to customize your subpage's website address:
1. Open the site editor for your site.
2. At the left navigation panel, select the subpage and click Edit.
3. Enter your desired website address in the Subpage Slug field.
4. Click Save.
5. Publish the site for the new subpage website address to take effect.