All Collections
Design your site
Identify section aspect ratio using browser web inspector tool
Optimize hero section illustration
Customize your accordion
Show/hide subpage contents from in-search query results
Embed a Google map to your site
Add CSS Class to an overlay asset
Actions that can be undone using CTRL+Z or Command+Z
Default Logo URL For 404 Page Not Found Site
Change cell/table background color
Create and edit hyperlinks and buttons
Re-size a tile
Re-arrange a tile
Format and stylize a text tile
Prevent site scrolling over to a linked tile
Resize a secondary logo
Tile and section animation
Change a tile's background color and add a border
Replicate text format into another text editor
Create a hero video for your site
Create or modify superscript and subscript texts
Add/change section background
Create a web preview tile
Change a tile's display image
Simulate a web preview tile out of an image tile
Display/hide action icon
Add a caption to select asset tile
Customize your carousel or slideshow
Changing the background, margin, and padding of a text section
Arranging slides in your carousel or slideshow
Custom icon for tile action indicators
Understanding themes
Customizing your theme
Theme editor crashes after importing a new font family
Change your site's background color
Change hover font color
Create a border for your text tile
View your theme on other sites
Change the anchor link navigation menu or submenu background color
Change the spacing between anchor links
Duplicate a theme
Change the font size of the main and secondary navigation menus
Add a primary or secondary logo to your site
The difference between a template and a theme
Unable to upgrade a theme
Hover effect
Add custom icons to caption hypertext
Customize a style preset
Adding social icons to caption hypertexts
Zoom effect
Using an image as site background
Change caption areas for an expanded image overlay
Parallax effect
CSS classes and how to use them
Writing custom CSS
Backward compatibility text sizing
Customizing border