Emails present an additional channel for your company branding to be communicated further to your audience: clients, prospects, colleagues, stakeholders, etc. Some of the email elements where you can pitch in the story, theme or style of your brand is in the logos, header, or footer.
In Zoomforth, a secured site access link is sent via email to your target audience to provide access to sites. These emails are automatically sent once the site access had been approved, and can be customized to be aligned with your brand. The email can only be customized for sites using visitor access settings Approved Emails, and Multi-factor Authentication (MFA).
[Note: Only the account administrator can create new and customize existing email templates. All administrators and editors can select which email template to use in sending secured site access emails.]
Customize emails for accessing secure sites:
Click the user icon on the lower left;
Click Account;
Click Branding from the menu;
Search for and / or hover over the target email template or variant to be edited;
Click Create Variant or Edit;
Edit the following fields or elements, if preferred:
Email name
refers to the email template name, variant name.
Sender name
preferred sender name in the email body.
Sending email address
preferred sender email address in the email header;
Note: If two or more domain is linked to your account, you'll be able to select your preferred domain to be displayed as email sender.
Primary logo
renders primary brand logo.
Secondary logo
renders a secondary logo.
Email body
preferred email content.
Social links
links to social media links e.g. Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.
Footer wording
displays email footer.
Privacy policy link
link to preferred privacy policy landing page.
Click Done.