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Supported file types

Zoomforth supports all types of files but processes some differently than others

Troy Villasanta avatar
Written by Troy Villasanta
Updated over a week ago

Zoomforth has five main classifications of assets: images, videos, PDF files, PowerPoint files, and downloadable files. Each of these is unique and will appear differently in your sites.

If you haven't tried it yet, please check out how to use the Media Library and how to upload assets to your account.

How your assets look in sites

Supporting all types of assets means that we need to handle certain types of files differently than others.

Image files

Image files, whether they are .jpg, .png, or something else, can be used in sites as tiles, in slideshows, and as display images for other tile types.

Image files can be cropped, expanded, and linked in sites to give you the decision on how the content is best viewed.

You can learn more about images and asset quality by reading this article.

Video files

You can embed your video content in tiles and slideshows. All major video types are handled as expected.

You can include any content you wish to use from YouTube. We take the YouTube files and allow you to use them just like you would any other video file that you uploaded.

You can also change the display image, and upload/edit subtitle files. All of this can be done when you click on a video file in your media library from the right-hand editing panel.

PDF files

A PDF file can be used in your sites as a standalone section or as a tile. Clicking a PDF tile will open an overlaying window that displays the PDF and gives your visitors an opportunity to download it.

Another nice thing with PDF files is that you have the option to update them globally. For example, if you are using a PDF file on multiple sites and have a new version of that file, you do not need to find and edit each site where the file lives.

Instead, you can go to the media library and click Update PDF in the right-hand editing panel and the new file you uploaded will be used in those existing sites.

PowerPoint files

Zoomforth treats PowerPoint files as interactive slideshows and allows you to add them to tiles in your sites.

Read about PowerPoint files to learn more.

Downloadable files

Any type of file that does not fit into the previous four categories can be used in tiles and when clicked they will immediately offer your visitor the chance to download the file.

Making a file downloadable means that you can upload and share anything you need to with your visitors.

You can also update the file globally, just like you would a PDF file.

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