Copy a tile, section or subpage
Troy Villasanta avatar
Written by Troy Villasanta
Updated over a week ago

[Permission Required: Account Administrator, Content Administrator, Editor, Author]

You can easily copy your tile, section or subpage and then paste it in anywhere and even on another site!


To copy a tile or section:

  1. Click on the tile or section that you want to copy

  2. At the left editing panel, click on the Copy button (You'll then see a green notification at the upper right, "Copied tile/section to clipboard")

  3. Click here to learn more about how to paste your tile or section

​To copy a subpage:

  1. At the left editing panel, click Edit on the subpage you want to copy

  2. Click on the Copy button (You'll then see a green notification at the upper right, "Copied subpage to clipboard")

  3. Click Save

​To paste a subpage to another site
1. Login to the site editor of the target site.

2. Click the drop-down arrow next to the + Subpage, which is found in the upper left editing panel of the site editor.
3. Select Paste Subpage. This option only shows up in the drop-down list if the subpage is in the clipboard yet.

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