Setup categories for tile tagging
Ashmita Taneja avatar
Written by Ashmita Taneja
Updated over a week ago

Grid tiles or contents can be sorted, filtered, or tagged based on different categorizations. Categories are set up in the section, and at least one category must be made available for the tile tagging and filtering to work in the section.

To create a category for a grid section:

1. Navigate to the page, and click the target grid section.

2. Scroll down to the bottom of the left editing panel, and check the box for Enable Filtering Options under Filter section.

3. Click the Edit button next to the checkbox.

4. In the Filtering options pop - up dialog box,

a. Set the Filter Text field with a label, or a name, which appears on top of the grid section.

b. Choose the appropriate Filter Method. Use the tooltip, question mark icon, at the end of each option for more details about each filter method.

c. Select the preferred Filter Type (Checkbox, Radio button, Dropdown).

d. Next to the Filter Group section, click the green + New filter category to add categorizations for the tiles. Indicate the label in the Category Name field, and the tags in the Tags field. These tags will be available for each of the tile in the grid section, and will be grouped based on the categorization.

e. Hide / unhide a category by clicking the eye icon above the category name field.

f. Delete a category by clicking the trash icon above the category name field.

g. Re-arrange the category by clicking the up or down icon above the category name field.

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