Enabling filter options
Elaine Bondoc avatar
Written by Elaine Bondoc
Updated over a week ago

Tagging and filtering will allow you to create tags and assign them to content to allow your visitor to have control over what content is being displayed to them. To enable the filter options follow the steps below.

Video walkthrough:

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. In site editor, click on the Section you want to enable the filter options

  2. Scroll down on the left panel all the way to the bottom.

  3. Tick the option "Enable filtering options"

  4. Click on Edit

  5. Provide the name of the filter then select filter method and filter type

  6. Click + New filter category

  7. Provide the category name for your filter and add the tags that you will apply to each tile for filtering.

  8. Close the pop-up dialog box.

  9. Click on the tile you want to apply the tagging to

  10. On the left panel, scroll all the way to the bottom again. Click on Edit beside filter tags.

  11. Tick on the tag you want to apply to the tile then click on Done Editing Taxonomy

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