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Change video thumbnail
Elaine Bondoc avatar
Written by Elaine Bondoc
Updated over 10 months ago

Thumbnails give a preview of content or attract further engagement if it's associated with a call-to-action.

By default, the first frame of your video is set as its thumbnail. You can change this to a different frame within the video, or another image.

Change the video tile thumbnail from the Site Editor

  1. Navigate to and select the video tile in the Site Editor

  2. In the left editing pane, under Thumbnail, select from three options to change the video thumbnail:

    • Default from video - the default frame of the video, usually the first frame

    • Custom Image - your preferred image, you can either upload an image or get it from the Media Library

    • Frame from video - select a frame from the uploaded video

  3. Once the image or frame is selected, it will let you crop the image to fit in the tile

Change the video thumbnail from the Media Library

  1. Go to the Media Library

  2. Look for the video that needs thumbnail change and select it

  3. Click Change Image in the right editing pane

  4. Select the thumbnail from the video frames available

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