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How links are tracked

How does Zoomforth track who has visited a link? Where is this information displayed?

Morgane Gugenheim avatar
Written by Morgane Gugenheim
Updated over a week ago

It's important to understand how links are tracked in Zoomforth when you use a Link's Advanced Settings.

When you are creating a link, you'll see more options in the Settings below it.  You can also modify some of these options later, after the link is created, by viewing the Link Settings view for that link.

Send to a Group

If you send a link to a group of people, Zoomforth can’t know who is visiting the link, so each visitor is tracked as "Anonymous".

However, you can switch the Ask Visitors for Name/Email option on. This will require visitors to enter their name and email before being allowed to view a site.

The site  is then "restricted" and all visitors will have to enter their name and email.

The link activity feed will then display their name and email when displaying site engagement. The visitor's browser is also "cookied," so that future visits will still track them by that information.

Visitors who clicked the link invite will land to the site below when visiting the site for the first time.

Just like sushi or experimental jazz, some people just don't like it. Before requiring this, consider that some people may be uncomfortable entering their information into forms online. Take into consideration your relationship with clients when selecting this option.

Send to an Individual

If you plan to send your link to one person, you can tell Zoomforth who that individual is by entering their name and/or email address. 

Zoomforth then assumes that the first visitor to that link is that person

The link activity feed will display their name and email when displaying site engagement. The visitor's browser is also "cookied," so that future visits will still track them by that information.

What About Additional Visitors?

Of course, your initial recipient might share the link with other people.

As such, subsequent visitors to the site will be tracked as "Anonymous". (This essentially means that, after the first visitor, the link behaves like a Group Link.)

However, you can require subsequent visitors to enter their name and email address, before being allowed to view the site.

Do this by selecting Ask Visitors For Name/Email

After the first visitor, the site is "restricted" and all subsequent visitors will have to enter their name and email. 

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